Accounting serves as an indispensable language within the realm of business, showcasing itself not solely as a universal tool but also as an art form. Its value may not always be readily apparent to an observer, yet a seasoned professional comprehends its depth and significance thoroughly. Accounting provides reliable, objective and lucrative information about the financial position and consequences of a business's activities. Owners, managers, shareholders, investors, government authorities, and other stakeholders leverage that information. The accounting profession requires talent and patience. Those who achieve mastery in this field develop the ability to perceive the intricate world of the economy in its interconnections and harmony through numbers.Leaders of successful enterprises acknowledge the importance of accounting and taxation specialists. They fulfill informational needs or requirements at all management levels, facilitating the making of adequate managerial decisions in a dynamic market environment. Experts in accounting, analysis, auditing, and taxation, trained by the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, play a vital role in the business sphere for over 60 years. The faculty was established in April 1959 as the Accounting and Economic Faculty of the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D.S. Korotchenko. On December 1, 2017, the Accounting and Economic Faculty underwent a renaming, becoming the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management. At the time of the renaming, the faculty comprised five specialized departments: Accounting and Taxation; Accounting in Credit and Budgetary Institutions and Economic Analysis; Audit; Accounting, Control and Taxation of Agribusiness; and Accounting. Additionally, the Department of Physical Education was part of the faculty. Between 2019 and 2021, a restructuring took place, leading to updates in the composition of the faculty's departments. This restructuring aimed to separate and refine areas integral to the specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation". Consequently, the Department of Accounting and Consulting, the Department of Tax Management and Financial Monitoring, and the Department of Audit emerged from this process. Notably, the Department of Physical Education continues to function within the faculty's framework, maintaining its successful operation. Since March 2016, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Mykola Bondar, has headed the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management. ![]() The current level of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management, its successes and achievements, are the result of the diligent and creative work of many scientists, educators and organizers who have worked and continue to work at the faculty. The heads of departments, recognized educators and scientists in Ukraine and over the World have made significant contributions to the development of the faculty, the formation of young specialists, the improvement of educational and methodical work, and the advancement of science. Among them doctors of economic sciences and professors P.P. Nimchinov, Y.Y. Lytvyn, A.M. Kuzminsky, I.I. Karakoz, M.G. Chumachenko, V.S. Naidyonov, V.I. Samborsky, V.P. Zavgorodniy, Ye.V. Dolgopolov, Y.S. Paskhaver, A.V. Golovach, V.P. Trofimov, S.S. Gerasimenko, R.M. Motorin, M.V. Kuzhelny, V.G. Linnik, V.Ya. Savchenko, M.I. Bondar, L.M. Kindratska, Yu.A. Kuzminsky, M.M. Kotsupatriy, L.G. Lovinska, O.A. Petrik, M.M. Shygun. A special place in this group belongs to the deans of the faculty: PhD and Associate Professors M.G. Tsyupa, O.F. Fedorov, S.O. Koshelyuk, M.F. Koba, O.V. Kozyryev, Candidates of Economic Sciences and Professors G.M. Melnychuk, V.I. Yefimenko. Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management have forged collaborations with several notable entities such as the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Asset Recovery and Management Agency and the State Treasury Service of Ukraine. Additionally, collaborations extend to esteemed organizations including the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine and the State Audit Service of Ukraine, among others. Among the recent achievements of the faculty is the widespread implementation of innovative communication technologies in the educational process at the Bachelor's and Master's levels. This is facilitated by the work of the Educational Training Center of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management, the main task of which is close cooperation with developers of information technologies and the integration of the latest advancements in the field of information technology into the educational process. The participation of faculty representatives in the work of professional public organizations (the Ukrainian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors, the Federation of Auditors, Accountants, and Financiers of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Ukraine, the Audit Chamber of Ukraine, the Association of Auditors of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Accounting Club "Balance", the Institute of Internal Auditors of Ukraine, etc.) allows for the consideration of accounting and taxation specifics, ensuring a consistently high level of training, and meeting the demand for graduates of educational programs. Collaboration with АССА, СІМА, САР, СІРА, CIPFA, as well as participation in the work of the Methodological Accounting Council under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (Professors M.I. Bondar, Y.A. Kuzminsky, L.G. Lovinska), the Expert Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Prof. M.I. Bondar), and the Certification Commission of Auditors (Prof. M.I. Bondar) enables the faculty to address the requests of government bodies, professional organizations and other stakeholders in its educational and scientific activities. Departments of the faculty actively cooperate with international auditing companies (such as PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), KPMG and others), which gives the opportunity to the candidates of educational and professional programs to find employment in companies. Collaborations have been formed with several international and domestic audit firms.Agreements have been concluded between KNEU named after Vadym Hetman and leading domestic, IT companies regarding the use of applied software solutions("Parus Accounting", "M.E.Doc", "IS-Pro", "Master Accountancy", "Dilovod", "Accounting SaaS ", "CaseWare") in the educational process.With the support of partner companies such as IT-Enterprise, Intelligence-Service, and CaseWare Ukraine, three modern computer laboratories have been established at the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management.They are innovative accounting and audit automation centers that enable the acquisition of skills in the use of modern software for accounting, auditing and taxation. The faculty has accredited educational programs for passing exams of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).ACCA accreditation based on the credits of the current bachelor's program specializing in "Accounting and Audit" gives the right to receive credits for four ACCA exams. Dual education The faculty successfully implements the acquisition of education at the second (master's) level of higher education in the dual form. Owing to successful collaboration with the Main Department of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in Kyiv during 2020-2021, a novel educational format was introduced for the first time. This initiative enables the integration of full-time university studies with practical, paid work opportunities. In 2020-2021, as part of this project, collaboration has been expanded through the involvement of domestic and international auditing companies (PwC, KPMG, HLB UKRAINE, etc.) to train specialists through a dual-format approach. The establishment of such collaborations contributes to enhancing the quality of theoretical and practical training for students, acquainting them with business standards and preparing them for employment in domestic and international companies. Informal education and its role in the educational process Students of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of education in the educational-professional program "Accounting and Audit," the preparation of which is provided by the Department of Accounting and Consulting, have the opportunity to: Upon receiving an ACCA certificate, be granted credits for examinations in the following certification disciplines: F1. Accountant in Business (Role of the Accountant in the Business Environment); F2. Management Accounting; F3. Financial Accounting; F4. Corporate and Business Law; F6. Taxation; F7. Financial Reporting; F8. Audit and confirmation of reporting. Upon receiving a CIMA certificate, be granted credits for operational level disciplines (E1. Organizational management; P1. Management accounting; F1. Financial reporting and taxation) and certification level disciplines (BA1. Fundamentals of economics and business; BA2. Fundamentals of management accounting; BA3. Fundamentals of financial accounting; BA4. Fundamentals of ethics, corporate governance, and business Law). Students who are pursuing a third (educational-scientific) level of higher education have the opportunity to transfer credits for the discipline "Audit of Sustainable Development", provided they pass a qualification exam for auditor certification according to the current provisions of the MFU. For candidates who have attained the status of Strategic Professional (full qualification) through the internationally recognized certification program of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), there is an option to transfer credits designated for the study of the educational discipline "Accounting: theories, concepts, perspectives." The primary employment sectors for graduates specializing in "Accounting and taxation" include various enterprises engaged in economic activities and with diverse organizational-legal forms of business, commercial banks, investment funds and companies, auditing firms, organizations and institutions, as well as ministries and government departments. Depending on their aspirations and inclinations, young professionals can work as educators in accounting, auditing, taxation, economic analysis or in governmental financial control within colleges and higher education institutions. The faculty closely collaborates with the Employment Support Department "Perspektyva" to aid in job searches and employment opportunities for graduates. Through this department, students have the chance to undergo adaptation training, participate in Career days, and establish contacts with leading Ukrainian and international companies. The faculty also maintains a database of prominent enterprises, institutions, and organizations where students can undertake internships to develop their professional competencies. Students specializing in "Accounting and tax management" at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman have a unique opportunity to receive a diploma following the European model under the implementation of a dual degree agreement between the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman and the Sopot Academy of Applied Sciences (Poland). Students have the chance to study both conversational and professional Polish, enhance their proficiency in business English, and undergo professional internships at international firms whose branches and departments are located in the cities of Sopot, Gdynia and Gdańsk. The faculty has created favorable conditions for scientific activities and student participation in international and research projects. It provides training for postgraduates to obtain a PhD in Accounting and taxation (specialty 071). The university hosts a specialized academic council for defending Doctoral theses for the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences in "Accounting, analysis, and audit (by types of economic activity)". Within the faculty of Accounting and tax management operates the Institute of Accounting, focusing on developing the scientific direction of "Accounting, analysis, and control of economic entities' activities" within the realm of economic sciences. Its objectives include developing recommendations to address pertinent issues in accounting, analytical and control provisions for financial management of economic entities, and contributing to educational activities and the preparation of academic staff at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman through research outcomes. STUDYING AT THE FACULTY OF ACCOUNTING AND TAX MANAGEMENT IS A STEPTO PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS! Information for Applicants The list of educational programs for which preparation is carried out at the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management:
The list of educational programs for which preparation is carried out at the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management: |