Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management

Educational and Methodological work

The Department of Auditing is one of the leading departments of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management, specializing in the study of theoretical, methodological, and organizational issues of auditing (independent, state, and internal), state financial control, internal economic control, forensic accounting expertise, as well as the creation and operation of information systems and technologies in accounting, auditing, and taxation. Throughout its existence, the Department of Auditing has been and remains a highly efficient structural unit, rapidly advancing in educational and methodological work.

The main tasks of the department in educational and methodological work are:

  • improving curricula and educational programs in terms of the disciplines taught by the department (including mandatory and elective components);
  • continuous development of the educational and professional program "Digital Accounting" initiated by the Department of Auditing at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, as well as participation in and facilitation of improvements to other educational programs of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management;
  • creating new and improving existing educational and methodological complexes for the department’s disciplines across various educational programs in accordance with modern professional training requirements;
  • organizing the enhancement of pedagogical skills for faculty members and PhD students;
  • providing educational and methodological materials for teaching the department's disciplines at the first (bachelor's), second (master's), and third (educational-scientific, PhD) levels of higher education in full-time, part-time, and distance learning formats for the "Accounting and Taxation" specialty and other university programs;
  • engaging experienced practitioners (accountants, auditors, business experts, IT specialists) in the educational process to conduct master classes, training sessions, and problem-based lectures;
  • collaborating with IT companies to equip students with digital skills for using modern accounting, auditing, and taxation software in their professional activities;
  • involving students in the department’s research activities;
  • organizing internships for students and supervising bachelor's and master's qualification theses.

The faculty of the department has extensive experience in educational and methodological work and ensures a high level of professional training. Its scientific research aligns with the topics of the academic disciplines assigned to the department.

Particular attention is given to the development and implementation of new academic disciplines and innovative teaching technologies, as well as the creation of modern educational and methodological publications in specialized subjects.

The faculty of the Audit Department has integrated innovative academic disciplines into the educational process for students of various levels of higher education, including:«Integrated Information Systems in Accounting and Taxation», «Digital Accounting in Public Sector Institutions», «Digital Accounting in Banks», «Corporate Reporting in the Digital Economy», «Digital Audit», «E-Procurement», «Digital Technologies in Accounting», «Professional Ethics and Communication in Digital Accounting and Audit», «Anti-Corruption Compliance», «Compliance Control», «Corporate Compliance and Governance», «Tax Audit», «Audit and Corporate Fraud Investigation», «Internal Control and Audit», «Electronic Document Management in the Public Sector», «Public Procurement», «Corporate Due Diligence», «Forensic Accounting», «Digital Analysis in Audit», «E-Tax Audit», «Information and Communication Technologies in Financial Monitoring and Taxation» and others.

The faculty of the Department of Auditing has prepared a number of textbooks and study guides, including:"Audit" (textbook), "Audit: Practical Guide" (workbook), "Methodology and Organization of Audit" (study guide), "Tax Audit of Enterprises" (study guide), "Internal Audit" (study guide), "Public Sector Audit" (study guide), "State Financial Control" (textbook), "Computerized Audit" (educational and methodological guide)and others.

The educational and methodological support for the training of specialists in Accounting and Taxation has been developed in accordance with the current regulatory acts and recommendations of the relevant ministries and agencies, educational and professional programs, qualification characteristics and requirements, and academic curricula. The syllabi of the disciplines fully comply with didactic requirements for educational content, as well as innovations in the professional field and the latest scientific research findings.

To maintain high teaching proficiency and enhance professional knowledge, the faculty of the Department of Auditing continuously improves their qualifications by attending specialized courses such as "Distance Learning Technologies in the University's Educational Space" and "Modern Information and Communication Technologies and Their Application in the Educational Process of an Economic University," which are conducted at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.

Additionally, faculty members refine their professional skills by maintaining close ties with professional organizations, government agencies, and international institutions, including: World Bank, National Securities and Stock Market Commission, The Audit Chamber of Ukraine, Congress of Auditors of Ukraine, Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Ukraine, International and domestic auditing firms. Significant attention is given to collaboration with companies specializing in the digitalization of accounting and analytical processes, such as: CaseWare Ukraine ("KV IT Solutions"), MASTER:Stream ("IT-Enterprise"), Ukrainian Accounting Systems, IS-Pro, MEDoc ("LINKOS Group"), UNITY BARS, Institute of Applied Systems and Technologies and others.

Students of the bachelor’s educational and professional program "Digital Accounting" have the opportunity to complete internships at the following enterprises:LLC "Hlibodar" (Hlibodar), SSPE "DAK-Electroprom", LLC COWORKING PLATFORMA LEONARDO,LLC "IPT PRODUCTION" (IPT PRODUCTION LTD), LLP Baker Tilly Ukraine, LLC "TRANS-GROUP", LLC "TEMA MODA UKRAINE", LLC "ORTO-LIFE", LLC "TEO-AUDIT", LLC "Kyiv Energy Services", LLC "Engineering Company 'Akadem Bud'", LLC "Milagra", LLC "Bilotserkivskyi House-Building Plant", LLC "Amadeo", LLC "Intercom Company".

Additional business representatives and government institutions may also be engaged in organizing internship opportunities.

With the support of LINKOS Group, a training course "Practical Application of Digital Technologies in Accounting" has been developed for students of the "Digital Accounting" educational and professional program. This course utilizes software from the training center of the IT company IS-Pro.

The goal of the training is to deepen and reinforce students’ theoretical knowledge acquired in lectures and practical classes at the University while developing essential practical and organizational skills for independent work in the field of accounting for business entities in a digital environment using information systems and technologies, as well as programming within the IS-Pro system.

Thanks to a high level of educational and methodological work and the integration of modern innovative disciplines aligned with employer demands, our graduates are highly competitive in the job market. They achieve success in entrepreneurship and public service, holding leadership positions and key expert roles in various enterprises, financial and credit institutions, government agencies, and other organizations.

The best bachelor's graduates continue their studies in the master's program, where they can further enhance their digital skills within the "Accounting and Audit" educational and professional program (Elective Package: "Digital Audit and Forensic"), as well as in doctoral studies.