Accounting and Audit in Business ManagementMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman MASTER'S PROGRAM OF ACCOUNTING AND TAXATION DEPARTMENT "Accounting and Audit in Business Management" Field of Knowledge - 07 Management and Administration Speciality - 071 Accounting and Taxation Specialization – Accounting and Audit Educational Degree - Master Professional Qualification - Master in accounting and taxation The term of study - 1 year 6 months full-time form of studies Graduation Department: Department of Accounting and Taxation Garant quality of education in Ukrainian or English Master’s Program: Maria Shygun - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Accounting and Taxation ENGLISH – TAUGHT MASTER'S PROGRAM ChoosingMaster's degree study at Accounting and Taxation Department Accounting and Tax Management Faculty gives you more than just a high-quality education. Our program provides excellent opportunities to form a global network of professional and academic colleagues - invaluable throughout your future career. The goal of the Master's program «Accounting and Audit in Business Management» is development of system knowledge and practical skills in the field of accounting, audit and taxation with the purpose of formation of accounting and analytical data for decision-making in business management. The overall objective of the program is to produce formative knowledge and experiences with which students may cultivate their capacities for thinking creatively, developing their self-knowledge and powers of acting, and to apply these accounting abilities in business, on markets and other organizations. If you choose to specialize in «Accounting and audit in business management»,you will gain a deep understanding of how domestic and international companies control and evaluate performance, design incentives and allocate resources to facilitate innovation and value-creation, reach business goals and report financial information to shareholders and stakeholders. Teaching is provided by specialists with practical experience and teaching experience in foreign educational institutions. Throughout the program you have the opportunity to apply your learning to practical examples and simulations with case studies, projects, team work and live presentations. Lectures are given by specialistswith extensive teaching, research and consultancy experience. Features of the program which contributes to increasing the competitiveness of its graduates: • leading instructors with the experience of teaching abroad; • interactive lectures and trainings delivered by the practitioners from the well-known Ukrainian and international companies; • Students study disciplines that are taken into account in the certification programs of international professional accounting organizations; • Professional English is studied; • opportunity to master several disciplines by studying at partner-universities abroad; • practical experience gained during the internship program at international companies • the possibility of employing students on the basis of practice; • development of scientific research skills and further obtaining recommendations for the further training of students in postgraduate study. The professional qualifications of the teachers who read the master's degree program are confirmed by the presence of the relevant qualification documents in them: • Certified auditors of Ukraine - 6 person. • ACCA Certificates (DipIFR) - 2 persons. • Certificates of СAP- 2 person. • CIPA Certificates - 1 person. • The qualification certificate of a forensic expert is 1 person. Professional certification is an integral part of obtaining modern business education, which allows effectively creating and objectively evaluating the competencies of economists, managers, and entrepreneurs. The Master's program is certified by two of the world's most prestigious global organizations in the area of professional qualifications at the global level - ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants, UK) and CIMA (Preferred Institute of Management Accountants, UK). Receiving of these accreditations confirms the high quality of the curricula and declares the position of the "KNEU named after V. Hetman" to act in the direction of harmonization of educational programs on specialty "Accounting and Taxation" to the requirements of the best world practice in the training of specialists, as these organizations are recognized leaders of financial qualifications in the world. ![]() The Master's Program «Accounting and Audit in Business Management» got ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) accreditationfor the levels F1-F4, F6-F8. The program gives the right to takecreditsat the following exams: F6- Taxation F8- Audit and Assurance ![]() ![]() ![]() Masters in Accounting & Taxation are accredited by CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), and our graduates will be able to enter directly in to the operational level case study of the CIMA qualification. ![]() In February 2017, the bachelors and masters of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation" of the Accounting and Tax Management Faculty of the "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman" received accreditation according to the operational level of qualification of CIMA. Accordingly, our graduates enrolled disciplines of the certification and operational levels:
The title of ACMA (Associate of The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), which get experts who have passed all skill levels - the key to successful candidate for professional field both in Ukraine and abroad. ![]() Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management of the "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman", specialty "Accounting and Taxation", master's programs "Accounting and Audit in Business Administration" and "Taxation of Entrepreneurship", received a unique opportunity to obtain a double diploma within the framework of the implementation of the double diploma contract between the "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman" and the Higher Sopot School (Poland). Students have the opportunity to study in Sopot within the framework of a Master's program financed by a grant from the European Union. Under the conditions of the latter, the participants of the study at the "Double Diploma" get opportunities to study Polish language and improve business English; to practice at international companies, branches and subdivisions of which are located in the cities of Sopot and Gdansk. Under the grant, the project participants receive a partial scholarship provision. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to: - build the accounting system in accordance with the philosophy and strategic business goals; - develop a system of dataware of managerial decision-making in accordance with the characteristics of the industry, the nature of business transactions and other factors of business; - form the accounting policy of an enterprise taking into account the types of economic activity; - disclose accounting information in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards; - generate, compile, summarize accounting information and develop on its basis forecasts for business entities; - carry out selection of performers of accounting, analytical and controlling functions and organize the work of accounting staff according to their legal status and requirements of life safety and health protection of employees of accounting services; - implement into practice relevant methods, types and forms of economic control, define items, tasks and directions of various types of control; - organize projects in the field of accounting, audit and taxation in an international environment; - to organize and carry out scientific research in the field of accounting, analysis, audit and taxation with the aim of producing new knowledge to solve existing problems of business at new efficient levels. THIS IS THE MOST VERSATILE MASTER’S PROGRAM After graduation, graduates of the Master's program acquire the right to hold such positions in the enterprises, institutions and organizations: • Auditor • Chief Accountant • Manager • Accountant • Economist • State Tax Inspector What will the program graduates after graduation? · knowledge of theoretical, methodological, practical fundamentals of accounting, analysis, auditing and taxation; · ability to use up-to-date information systems and technologies for accounting, auditing and taxation organization; · practical skills of forming, summarizing and provision detailed data to make management decisions, considering specific functioning of enterprises of various types of economic activity; · practical skills of using up-to-date foreign methods of accounting that are used to prepare Financial and Management Reporting; · practical accounting skills for tax purposes and tax reporting; · the ability to use professional knowledge and practical skills needed to organize various types of economic control. · ability to summarize and analyse information for a comprehensive assessment of financial status, efficiency and effectiveness of business entities. Career opportunities Graduates from the Master's program in Accounting and audit in business management will typically pursue a career in accounting, audit, analysis, financial services, financial management, or related sectors of the economy requiring an in-depth understanding of accounting. AFTER MASTER'S PROGRAM STUDENTS RECEIVE necessary knowledge and skills in accounting, auditing and taxation, quality English language for fast becoming a highly skilled professional with practical skills and the ability to continuously develop and improveAccreditation Ministry of Educationand Science of Ukraine; ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) Credits 90ECTS Credits Program length 18 months Last redaction: 24.05.18 |